In this book the author explores the different facets of reaction and suggests that there is more to the concept than just a gratuitous insult.
New Labour would like to portray 1997 as a new beginning for public policy, but Peter King argues that we now have, in housing and in other areas of public policy, a consensus based on Thatcherite reforms.
Identity Politics and TribalismThe New Culture Wars Nikos Sotirakopoulos
At Our Wits' EndWhy We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What it Means for the Future Edward Dutton
Humberto MaturanaReflections on Bringing Forth Worlds
Shadow, Self, SpiritEssays in Transpersonal Psychology Michael Daniels
Radical TransformationThe Unexpected Interplay of Consciousness and Reality Imants Barušs
Rethinking ThinkingProblem Solving from Sun Tzu to Google Martin Cohen
Dylan at 80It used to go like that, and now it goes like this
The Blind Guardians of IgnoranceCovid-19, Sustainability, and Our Vulnerable Future Mats Larsson
The RuptureOn Knowledge and the Sublime Olivia Fane
Becoming ArtificialA Philosophical Exploration into Artificial Intelligence and What it Means to be Human Danial Sonik