This book guides the reader through a journey that connects the dots on the various fronts of the culture wars. There is a thread that links together the expressions of group and identity conflicts in today's West: from Left to Right, from SJWs to Trumpites, from feminism to the manosphere, and from critical race theorists to white nationalists.
Featured Titles
Against Sortition? The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies
Iconoclasm, Identity Politics and the Erasure of History Alexander Adams
Humberto Maturana Reflections on Bringing Forth Worlds
Mary Catherine Bateson Compositions in Living Cybernetics
The Psychology of the Bible Explaining Divine Voices and Visions Brian J. McVeigh
Charles, The Alternative King An Unauthorised Biography Edzard Ernst
Quality of Life A Post-Pandemic Philosophy of Medicine Robin Downie
Don't Believe What You Think Arguments for and against SCAM Edzard Ernst