Philosophy, Religion and Economic Development (Author)
Is economic development the best hope for the world's poor? This book aims to add a philosophical dimension to the debate about this question. The author argues in favour of replacing quantitative assessments of wealth and poverty with a qualitative account of the ways in which human lives can be enriched or impoverished.
Using some themes of Cardinal Newman's classic The Idea of a University as a springboard, this extended essay aims to address the problems of modern universities.
We are now so familiar and accepting of the State's pre-eminence in all things that few think to question it, and most suppose that democratic endorsement legitimizes it. The aim of this book is to present a compelling argument against both presumptions.
This collection of readings, the first of its kind, has been chosen with a view to displaying the variety, richness and strength of the Scottish philosophical tradition.
Featured Titles
The Keys to Democracy Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power Maurice Pope
British Idealism and International Thought The Development of Human Rights Nazli Pinar Kaymaz
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson Marc Champagne
After #MeToo Feminism, Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity and Sundry Cultural Delights Gerard Casey
Seeing Beyond Dreaming to Religious Experiences of Light George Gillespie
Sortition and Democracy History, Tools, Theories
The Sentient Robot The Last Two Hurdles in the Race to Build Artificial Superintelligence Rupert Robson
Culture War Art, Identity Politics and Cultural Entryism Alexander Adams