Transgenderism's Struggle Against Reality (Author)
In Hidden Agender, Casey develops a timely and provocative defence of free speech and toleration against the transgenderist ideology that has infiltrated so much of the media, the political establishment and the law. Opposing ideas, not individuals, Hidden Agender provides a compelling critique of the transgender ideologists and trans activists.
Feminism, Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity and Sundry Cultural Delights (Author)
In After #MeToo, Gerard Casey provides a critical assessment of the #MeToo movement, situating it in the context of the radical feminism of which it is just the latest manifestation. He argues that if there is such a thing as the patriarchy, it is singularly and spectacularly ineffectual.
Free Speech and Tolerance in the Light of the Zero Aggression Principle (Author)
In ZAP, Gerard Casey presents a critical and unified approach to both free speech and tolerance based on the Zero Aggression Principle, keeping the critical discussion topical and grounded by reference to current events.
Freedom's Progress is a history of Western political thought, a conceptual map as it were, tracking the fitful journey of one particular concept — liberty — through time. The book covers the full philosophical canon — from Plato to Rawls — but is written from the perspective of the libertarian tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard.
Featured Titles
Hidden Agender Transgenderism's Struggle Against Reality Gerard Casey
Artivism The Battle for Museums in the Era of Postmodernism Alexander Adams