Written in the form of a novel, this work offers a satirical critique of modern life. The art scene is where it all begins but Tony Veale's story soon reaches out to embrace the madness of media, politics and celebrity-inspired hysteria.
Featured Titles
Hidden Agender Transgenderism's Struggle Against Reality Gerard Casey
Character and Virtues 10 Years of the Jubilee Centre Aidan P. Thompson
Against Sortition? The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies
Rethinking Thinking Problem Solving from Sun Tzu to Google Martin Cohen
Laws of Form: Spencer-Brown at Esalen, 1973
Artivism The Battle for Museums in the Era of Postmodernism Alexander Adams
Seeing Beyond Dreaming to Religious Experiences of Light George Gillespie
Sortition and Democracy History, Tools, Theories
The Psychology of the Bible Explaining Divine Voices and Visions Brian J. McVeigh