From the storming of the Capitol and the rise of authoritarian rhetoric and politicians to the challenge of global warming, liberal democracy faces a twin crisis of legitimacy and efficacy. Democracy in Crisis points to long neglected resources from the world's first democracy - Ancient Athens - prompting us to think beyond our current practices.
Featured Titles
Idealism & Experience The Philosophy of Guido de Ruggiero
Democracy in Crisis Lessons from Ancient Athens Jeff Miller
The Hope of the Poor Philosophy, Religion and Economic Development Gordon Graham
ZAP Free Speech and Tolerance in the Light of the Zero Aggression Principle Gerard Casey
The Keys to Democracy Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power Maurice Pope
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson Marc Champagne
Quality of Life A Post-Pandemic Philosophy of Medicine Robin Downie
Immigration Control in a Warming World Realizing the Moral Challenges of Climate Migration Johannes Graf Keyserlingk
Charles, The Alternative King An Unauthorised Biography Edzard Ernst