This book explains how short-termism is damaging our economy and what we can do about it.
The Life and Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe
Sortition and DemocracyHistory, Tools, Theories
The Blind Guardians of IgnoranceCovid-19, Sustainability, and Our Vulnerable Future Mats Larsson
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and the Threat to Academic Freedom
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson Marc Champagne
Don't Believe What You ThinkArguments for and against SCAM Edzard Ernst
Shadow, Self, SpiritEssays in Transpersonal Psychology Michael Daniels
After #MeTooFeminism, Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity and Sundry Cultural Delights Gerard Casey
ArtivismThe Battle for Museums in the Era of Postmodernism Alexander Adams
Democracy — A Work in ProgressAn Irreverent Exercise in Political Thought Ernest Lamers