Transpersonal Psychology concerns the study of those states and processes in which people experience a deeper sense of who they are, or a greater sense of connectedness with others, with nature, or the spiritual dimension. This book brings together the author's writings on the topic over recent years in a new and enlarged edition.
Transpersonal Psychology concerns the study of those states and processes in which people experience a deeper sense of who they are, or a greater sense of connectedness with others, with nature, or the spiritual dimension. This book brings together the author's writings on the topic over recent years.
Featured Titles
Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism
Hidden Agender Transgenderism's Struggle Against Reality Gerard Casey
The Keys to Democracy Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power Maurice Pope
Culture War Art, Identity Politics and Cultural Entryism Alexander Adams
Sortition and Democracy History, Tools, Theories
Michael Oakeshott as a Philosopher of the "Creative" And Other Essays Wendell John Coats, Jr.
The Icelandic Adventures of Pike Ward
The Nature of Goods and the Goods of Nature Why anti-globalisation is not the answer Estefania Santacreu-Vasut
Rethinking Thinking Problem Solving from Sun Tzu to Google Martin Cohen
The Sentient Robot The Last Two Hurdles in the Race to Build Artificial Superintelligence Rupert Robson