This book is about philosophical aspects of neuroscience, centred on perspective dualism.
The Icelandic Adventures of Pike Ward
Immigration Control in a Warming WorldRealizing the Moral Challenges of Climate Migration Johannes Graf Keyserlingk
Becoming ArtificialA Philosophical Exploration into Artificial Intelligence and What it Means to be Human Danial Sonik
Radical TransformationThe Unexpected Interplay of Consciousness and Reality Imants Barušs
The Nature of Goods and the Goods of NatureWhy anti-globalisation is not the answer Estefania Santacreu-Vasut
Culture WarArt, Identity Politics and Cultural Entryism Alexander Adams
The Prophets of Doom Neema Parvini
Rethinking ThinkingProblem Solving from Sun Tzu to Google Martin Cohen
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson Marc Champagne
Is Consciousness Everywhere?Essays on Panpsychism