Known today mainly as a teacher of Adam Smith (1723–90) and an influence on David Hume (1711–76), Francis Hutcheson (1694–1746) was a first-rate thinker whose work deserves study on its own merit. Spanning his entire literary career, this collection brings together selections from Hutcheson's greater and lesser known works.
Featured Titles
Rethinking Thinking Problem Solving from Sun Tzu to Google Martin Cohen
The Tribe The Liberal-Left and the System of Diversity Ben Cobley
Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism
ZAP Free Speech and Tolerance in the Light of the Zero Aggression Principle Gerard Casey
The Life and Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe
Democracy in Crisis Lessons from Ancient Athens Jeff Miller
Mary Catherine Bateson Compositions in Living Cybernetics
Immigration Control in a Warming World Realizing the Moral Challenges of Climate Migration Johannes Graf Keyserlingk
Against Sortition? The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies
Seeing Beyond Dreaming to Religious Experiences of Light George Gillespie