The Life and Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe
Laws of Form: Spencer-Brown at Esalen, 1973
Don't Believe What You Think
Arguments for and against SCAM
Edzard Ernst
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson
Marc Champagne
Shadow, Self, Spirit
Essays in Transpersonal Psychology
Michael Daniels
After #MeToo
Feminism, Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity and Sundry Cultural Delights
Gerard Casey
The Tango of Ethics
Intuition, Rationality and the Prevention of Suffering
Jonathan Leighton
The Blind Guardians of Ignorance
Covid-19, Sustainability, and Our Vulnerable Future
Mats Larsson
The Rupture
On Knowledge and the Sublime
Olivia Fane
Dylan at 80
It used to go like that, and now it goes like this