Imprint Academic


5 titles
  • The Blind Guardians of Ignorance

    Covid-19, Sustainability, and Our Vulnerable Future
    Mats Larsson

    Politicians, business leaders, and sustainability experts have assumed that market forces will drive the transformation to sustainability. This book explains in clear language why this view is wrong and what we need to do to prepare for the future of humanity. Governments will have a key role to play in this process, and they need a wake-up call.

  • Immigration Control in a Warming World

    Realizing the Moral Challenges of Climate Migration
    Johannes Graf Keyserlingk

    In the 21st century, climate change is projected to increase the already significant immigration pressures that rich countries in Europe and North America face. However, the willingness of citizens in destination countries to let further foreigners immigrate is unlikely to keep pace with that increase. These issues are discussed in this book.

  • The Earth Is Our Home

    Mary Midgley's critique and reconstruction of evolution and its meanings
    Nelson Rivera

    This book demonstrates that Mary Midgley's philosophy of evolution points the way towards considering the earth as our only true home, since we are products of this planet and its evolving and complex life along with every other organism.

  • Here For Our Children's Children?

    Why we should care for the earth
    Adrian C. Armstrong

    This study reviews the many different bases for wanting to preserve the environment. By seeing how protagonists approach the same situation from different assumptions, some of the origins of environmental conflict may be established, and ways of resolving conflict can be identified.

  • Earthy Realism

    The Meaning of Gaia
    Mary Midgley

    GAIA, named after the ancient Greek mother-goddess, is the notion that the Earth and the life on it form an active, self-maintaining whole. With global warming now an accepted fact, the lessons of GAIA have never been more relevant and urgent.