This volume, originally a special issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies, uses the recent writings of Philip Goff as a jumping-off point for discussions of panpsychism — the idea that consciousness is a fundamental and pervasive aspect of our universe that cannot be understood in other, more basic, terms.
Featured Titles
Lady Mary Shepherd Selected Writings
Becoming Artificial A Philosophical Exploration into Artificial Intelligence and What it Means to be Human Danial Sonik
The Keys to Democracy Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power Maurice Pope
Sortition and Democracy History, Tools, Theories
The Hope of the Poor Philosophy, Religion and Economic Development Gordon Graham
The Sentient Robot The Last Two Hurdles in the Race to Build Artificial Superintelligence Rupert Robson
Dylan at 80 It used to go like that, and now it goes like this
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson Marc Champagne
Don't Believe What You Think Arguments for and against SCAM Edzard Ernst
Seeing Beyond Dreaming to Religious Experiences of Light George Gillespie