The Keys to Democracy
Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power
Maurice Pope
Is Consciousness Everywhere?
Essays on Panpsychism
The Sentient Robot
The Last Two Hurdles in the Race to Build Artificial Superintelligence
Rupert Robson
The Tango of Ethics
Intuition, Rationality and the Prevention of Suffering
Jonathan Leighton
Against Sortition?
The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies
The Hope of the Poor
Philosophy, Religion and Economic Development
Gordon Graham
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson
Marc Champagne
The Icelandic Adventures of Pike Ward
Humberto Maturana
Reflections on Bringing Forth Worlds
Hidden Agender
Transgenderism's Struggle Against Reality
Gerard Casey