Thomas Gataker was a disputatious Puritan divine. His The Nature and Uses of Lotteries (1627) was the first systematic exposition of a modern view of lotteries, not just as a form of gambling, but as a fair method of division.
The Prophets of Doom Neema Parvini
The Past is a Future CountryThe Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution Edward Dutton
Against Sortition?The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies
Democracy — A Work in ProgressAn Irreverent Exercise in Political Thought Ernest Lamers
Michael Oakeshott as a Philosopher of the "Creative"And Other Essays Wendell John Coats, Jr.
Character and Virtues10 Years of the Jubilee Centre Aidan P. Thompson
Is Consciousness Everywhere?Essays on Panpsychism
Identity Politics and TribalismThe New Culture Wars Nikos Sotirakopoulos
Mary Catherine BatesonCompositions in Living Cybernetics
Ancient EveningsNine Pyrrhonian Dialogues Adrian Kuzminski