This volume of essays opens up the topic of Leo Strauss and the Straussians to those outside the relatively narrow circles who have been concerned with him and his followers up to now.
Featured Titles
ZAP Free Speech and Tolerance in the Light of the Zero Aggression Principle Gerard Casey
The Icelandic Adventures of Pike Ward
Against Sortition? The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies
Quality of Life A Post-Pandemic Philosophy of Medicine Robin Downie
The Past is a Future Country The Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution Edward Dutton
Iconoclasm, Identity Politics and the Erasure of History Alexander Adams
After #MeToo Feminism, Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity and Sundry Cultural Delights Gerard Casey
Rethinking Thinking Problem Solving from Sun Tzu to Google Martin Cohen
Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism
The Hope of the Poor Philosophy, Religion and Economic Development Gordon Graham