Imprint Academic

Works involving Yannis Andricopoulos

  • In Bed with Madness

    Trying to make sense in a world that doesn't

    In Bed with Madness is 'a well-argued, powerful and profound indictment of contemporary culture', stylishly written – a reviewer said he would have bought it just for its humour!

  • The Future of the Past

    From the culture of profit to the culture of joy

    Universalism in its old forms has, just like door-to-door milkmen, gone for good. But the search for some universally accepted ethical standards cannot be abandoned. Looking into our world from the classical Greek point of view, Yannis Andricopoulos wonders whether we cannot place Justice again at the heart of our morality.

  • The Greek Inheritance

    Ancient Greek wisdom for the digital era

    The Greek Inheritance traces the conflict between Greek values and those of the repressive, religious or capitalist order throughout the millennia. The book is challenging and well-written with a light, humorous touch.