The Sentient Robot
The Last Two Hurdles in the Race to Build Artificial Superintelligence
Rupert Robson
Free Speech and Tolerance in the Light of the Zero Aggression Principle
Gerard Casey
Becoming Artificial
A Philosophical Exploration into Artificial Intelligence and What it Means to be Human
Danial Sonik
Shadow, Self, Spirit
Essays in Transpersonal Psychology
Michael Daniels
Dylan at 80
It used to go like that, and now it goes like this
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and the Threat to Academic Freedom
The Keys to Democracy
Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power
Maurice Pope
The Life and Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe
Against Sortition?
The Problem with Citizens' Assemblies
Michael Oakeshott as a Philosopher of the "Creative"
And Other Essays
Wendell John Coats, Jr.