Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and the Threat to Academic Freedom
Character and Virtues
10 Years of the Jubilee Centre
Aidan P. Thompson
The Architecture of Ideas
The Life and Work of Ranulph Glanville, Cybernetician
Don't Believe What You Think
Arguments for and against SCAM
Edzard Ernst
The Hope of the Poor
Philosophy, Religion and Economic Development
Gordon Graham
Consciousness and Its Place in Nature
Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism (2nd Ed.)
Galen Strawson
Hidden Agender
Transgenderism's Struggle Against Reality
Gerard Casey
Dylan at 80
It used to go like that, and now it goes like this
Michael Oakeshott as a Philosopher of the "Creative"
And Other Essays
Wendell John Coats, Jr.
The Keys to Democracy
Sortition as a New Model for Citizen Power
Maurice Pope